Nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficients of HCFC22, HFC134a, HFC125, and HFC32 on various enhanced tubes

Nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficients of HCFC22, HFC134a, HFC125, and HFC32 on various enhanced tubes

Автор: Dongsoo Jung, Kwangyong An, Jinseok Park

Год: 2004Язык: АнглийскийТип: Статьи
In this study, nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of HCFC22, HFC134a, HFC125, HFC32 were measured on a low fin, Turbo-B, and Thermoexcel-E tubes. All data were taken at the liquid pool temperature of 7 C on horizontal tubes of 152 mm length and 18.6–18.8 mm outside diameter at heat fluxes of 10–80 kW mm-2 with an interval of 10 kW m-2 in the decreasing order of heat flux. For a plain and low fin tubes, refrigerants with higher vapor pressures showed higher nucleate boiling HTCs consistently. This was due to the fact that the wall superheat required to activate given size cavities became smaller as pressure increased. For Turbo-B and Thermoexcel-E tubes, HFC125 showed a peculiar behavior exhibiting much reduced HTCs due to its high reduced pressure. The heat transfer enhancement ratios of the low fin, Turbo-B, and Thermoexcel-E tubes were 1.09–1.68, 1.77–5.41, 1.64–8.77 respectively in the range of heat fluxes tested.


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