Characteristics of evaporative heat transfer and pressure drop of carbon dioxide and correlation development

Characteristics of evaporative heat transfer and pressure drop of carbon dioxide and correlation development

Автор: Seok Ho Yoona, Eun Seok Chob, Yun Wook Hwangb

Год: 2004Язык: АнглийскийТип: Статьи
Carbon dioxide among natural refrigerants has gained considerable attention as an alternative refrigerant due to its excellent thermophysical properties. In this study, transcritical refrigeration cycle using carbon dioxide is of great interest, and the evaporation process is investigated by experiment and analysis. This paper presents the measured heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop during evaporation process of carbon dioxide in a horizontal smooth tube. The test section was made of a seamless stainless steel tube with the inner diameter of 7.53 mm, and length of 5 m. Heat is provided by a direct heating method to the test section. Experiments were conducted at saturation temperatures of 4 to 20 C, heat fluxes of 12 to 20 kWm-2 and mass fluxes of 200 to 530 kgm-2  s-1. A comparison of different heattransfer correlations applicable to evaporation of carbon dioxide has been made. Based on the experiments for the evaporation heat transfer, useful correlation is developed.


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Ассоциация холодильной промышленности и кондиционирования воздуха Республики Казахстан