Автор: Neumaier Robert

Год: 1997Язык: АнглийскийТип: Книги
The development of hermetic pumps is inseparably linked to the design of the canned motor. This development is in turn closely associated with the names of the founder of "Hermetic" GmbH, in Freiburg-Gundelfingen, Hermann Krimer (1902 to 1993) and his staff. The present state of development of hermetic centrifugal pumps and rotary displacement pumps and the widespread use they have achieved is due mainly to them.

The development of the canned motor and permanent magnet coupling also influenced centrifugal pumps and rotary displacement pumps, leading to important new developments in design. In particular, experience with hermetic pumps showed the close relationship and need for harmonization between machinery construction and the construction of electric motors. It is not unusual today to find pump manufacturers with their own highly modern electric machine construction facilities producing all components for canned motor pumps.
In this publication, the author not only presents the development of the features, design characteristics and variety of types of hermetic pumps, but also deals with specific and application-oriented problems of centrifugal pumps and rotary displacement pumps in a simple but comprehensive and graphical manner, which will be valued by every specialist. The author does not restrict himself merely to an illustration of principles but also provides an ample number of examples of designs and applications which enables the details to be understood. This gives this book a welcome distinction from many other specialist works.

This book is not a textbook in the usual sense and makes no claim to be, but should really be seen as a treatise on hermetic pumps. It is to be warmly commended both to students at technical universities and at specialized institutions of higher learning, particularly those students specializing in design as well as engineers working in the field of design, project planning and operation.


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