GEA Screw compressor. Oil Selection list for Refrigeration Applications and Gas Compression

Автор: GEA

Язык: АнглийскийТип: Паспорта и инструкции по эксплуатации
For screw compressors of GEA Refrigeration Germany GmbH, the oils specified in the tables areapproved. The selection of the oils depends on the chemical properties of the oil, the refrigerants,the operating conditions of the plant and the required oil viscosity during start up and run. Afterinquiring with the compressor manufacturer, oils other than those listed in the table may also beused. Further information on listed oils, are given in the data sheets and diagrams of the oil manufacturer. For refrigeration compressors, special refrigeration oils have to be used. The selectiondepends on the refrigerant, viscosity (at least 7 cSt for oil temperature before entering the compressor), evaporating temperature (pour point) and requirement made of the oil separation behaviour (flash point, viscosity).


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