Автор: Klein S., Nellis G.

Год: 2012Язык: АнглийскийТип: Книги
This book differs from other thermodynamics texts in its objective, which is to provide engineers with the concepts, tools, and experience needed to solve practical real-world energy problems. The presentation integrates computer tools (e.g., EES) with thermodynamic concepts to allow engineeringstudents and practicing engineers to solve problems that they would otherwise not be able to solve. The use of examples, solved and explained in detail and supported with property diagrams that are drawn to scale, is ubiquitous in this textbook. The examples are not trivial drill problems, but rather complex and timely real-world problems that are of interest by themselves.As with the presentation, the solutions to these examples are complete and do not skip steps. Similarly, the book includes numerous end-of-chapter problems, both in the book and online. Most of these problems are more detailed than those found in other thermodynamics textbooks. The supplements include complete solutions to all exercises, software downloads, and additional content on selected topics.


При поддержке
Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт
холодильной промышленности
Ассоциация предприятий индустрии микроклимата и холода
Ассоциация холодильной промышленности и кондиционирования воздуха Республики Казахстан
Международная академия холода
Международный центр научной и технической информации