Thermodynamics and the Destructionof Resources

Автор: Bhavik R. Bakshi, Timothy G. Gutowski, Dusˇan P. Sekulic

Год: 2011Язык: АнглийскийТип: Книги
This book is a unique, multidisciplinary effort to apply rigorous thermodynamics fundamentals to problems of sustainability, energy, and resource uses. Applying thermodynamic
thinking to problems of sustainable behavior is a significant advantage in bringing order to ill-defined questions with a great variety of proposed solutions, some of which are more destructive than the original problem.

The chapters are pitched at a level accessible to advanced undergraduate and graduate students in courses on sustainability, sustainable engineering, industrial ecology, sustainable manufacturing, and green engineering. The timeliness of the topic and the urgent need for solutions make this book attractive to general readers as well as specialist researchers. Top international figures from many disciplines, including engineers, ecologists, economists, physicists, chemists, policy experts, and industrial ecologists, make up the impressive list of contributors.


При поддержке
Ассоциация предприятий индустрии микроклимата и холода
Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт
холодильной промышленности
Ассоциация холодильной промышленности и кондиционирования воздуха Республики Казахстан
Международная академия холода
Международный центр научной и технической информации