Analysis of refrigerant flow and deformation for a flexible short-tube using a finite element model

Автор: Ramadan Bassiouny, Dennis L. O’Neal

Год: 2004Язык: АнглийскийТип: Статьи
A finite element model was used to simulate single-phase flow of R-22 through flexible short-tubes. The numericalmodel included the fluid-structure interaction between the refrigerant and the deformation of the short-tube asupstream pressure was varied. The finite element model was developed using a commercially available finite elementpackage. Short-tubes with moduli of elasticity ranging from 5513 to 9889 kPa were studied. Four upstream anddownstream pressures were applied and the upstream subcooling was held at a constant value of 16.7 C. Mass flowrates from the numerical model were compared to available published experimental results. The study showed thatupon deformation the short-tube resembled the shape of a converging-diverging nozzle. Both tube inlet and outlet hada chamfered-like shape after deformation which reduced the pressure drop at the tube inlet. The smaller the modulus ofthe tube, the larger the chamfered-like angle at the inlet and the higher the pressure drop along the tube due to thehigher tube contraction. The results illustrated that as the upstream pressure was increased by 45%, there was almost a60% decrease in the flow area. The more flexible (5513 kPa) short-tube restricted the mass flow rate more than the mostrigid (9889 kPa) short-tube used in this study. The mass flow rates estimated with the finite element model were asmuch as 14% higher than those from experimental results reported in the literature.


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