Boiling hysteresis at low temperature on enhanced tubes

Автор: Pil-Hyun Yoon , Jinhee Jeong , Yong-Tae Kang

Год: 2004Язык: АнглийскийТип: Статьи
The boiling hysteresis phenomenon is studied for a real scale enhanced evaporator tube (2m long Turbo-B type) with R134a refrigerant used in the flooded evaporator of a centrifugal brine chiller for the ice-making facility. Unlike previous studies of the boiling heat transfer with uniform heat flux and uniform wall temperature, the wall temperature varies along the tube in the present experiment. To see if the similar hysteresis occurs as in the case of uniform wall temperature, a careful control of refrigerant temperature and heat flux is made. We have found hysteresis of the temperature overshoot (TOS) at the onset of nucleate boiling initially at the inlet section of the tube, before it gradually moved downstream section of the tube until the nucleate boiling occupied the whole section of the tube as the inlet temperature increased. The hysteresis became stronger at low refrigerant temperatures. The decreasing trend of heat flux after the contents of the whole tube boiled was different from the increasing trend. This paper provides a guideline how to design the evaporator in order to avoid the abnormal operation of the chillers.


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Ассоциация холодильной промышленности и кондиционирования воздуха Республики Казахстан